After years of trying to interest human beings in singing my songs I discovered SUNO who has been very willing to sing for me for free. I hope you enjoy some.
I Have A Dream
Two versions of a dream of the future USA.
Two Versions of a Thanksgiving song.
A Taste of Heaven
Seeking more heaven on earth.
Let Heaven Come
A song encouraging a more Godly world.
I Am American
A song about what it is to be American.
Come to God in Prayer
A song about effective prayer.
Character Not Color
A song about character being more important than color.
Like Children
A song about coming to Jesus like children.
My Choice
A song about having chosen an abortion.
Open the Gifts of Heaven
A song about the most important gifts.
Our Potter
A song about God being our potter.
Your Temple
A song about your body being a temple of the Holy Spirit.